CRank: 5Score: 1070

Man Bill Gates steps aside to take time to concentrate on his charity organisation, or in other terms he takes a bck seat from MS so he can blame MS loss of the gen war on someone else! Hahahahah that's so true!

6509d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
6509d ago

Fact is it doesn't matter how many Xbox 360's ever get sold, and i can asure you not many will, 5 m is pretty pathetic, it still means they don't have an HD-DVD player come with them and people won't buy them because they are crap so MS looses that battle big time. Plus Sony has a Blu Ray player built in, so every one who buys a PS3 will get one included and i can assure you lots of people will Buy the PS3 the only true next gen console. Also in the matter of which new movie format will sell,...

6509d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man do you ever get sick of being wrong, man you have like 5 accounts you are a total Xbox elitist, man JIn Kazama owened you big time in every argument just like i do. You give us all these stupid links and comparisons, they mean sh*t to me, i bet you sit with a big beedy eyed rat smile on your face thinking you have just upset me or proved a point lo, i don't even reed the crap you post i just attack every MS fanboy there is!

6509d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
6509d ago
6509d ago

Oh man this has got the Xbox fanboys in an uproar, i tell you what rather sit there and whine about how you think the Ps3 is crap, (We all know yous only do it because you don't have a PS3) Why don't you put your pre order down for one, beause we all know yous are just jealous because yous made the wrong choice getting a Lamebox 1.20, you can end this by placing your order for a PS3 we won't bash you for it, you no you want to XRATS!

6509d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
6510d ago
6510d ago

Well for a start there's Motorstorm, Heavingly Sowrd, Resistance fall of man, Warhawk, Fear, whoa i could go on but hey, those games destroy anything Xbox has at the moment!

6510d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would you rather have choice which is some lame a*s upgrades or would you rather have it all in one, all in one for me!

6510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man the mart must be afraid he was right on this post as fast as he could, 1 word loser!

6510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do get what you pay for, for $60 you get the greatest console ever, Sony Ps3 and for $400 you get a lame a*s pece of s*it Xbox 360 which will sell for like a $50 on ebay if you are lucky, man Sony will send Xbox into the Dark Ages your right, why pick the dark ages when you can have the next gen PS3!

6510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems to be the thing MS fanboys do best, but fail horribly at!

6510d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playing with a mouse and keyboard in some games such as this one is crap in comparison to control pads!

6510d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seem to remember the day when PS2 Smackdown games dominated any that came out on the Xbox and when that Wrestlemania game came out for it, it was a disaster as far as gamesplay goes and the fanboys were like man i love playing this on xbox live have u seen the graphics, i goes sure but the gamesplay is horrible, smackdown is so much superior, then they all said but yea i don't like wrestling games, man some people change opinion fast!

6510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seem to remember the day when PS2 Smackdown games dominated any that came out on the Xbox and when that Wrestlemania game came out for it, it was a disaster as far as gamesplay goes and the fanboys were like man i love playing this on xbox live have u seen the graphics, i goes sure but the gamesplay is horrible, smackdown is so much superior, then they all said but yea i don't like wrestling games, man some people change opinion fast!

6510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing other than a lump of coal MS will recieve this christmas is bills for all the money they owe due to there looses on the 360 because no one is buying it and everyone is buying the PS3, go on take your GOW game and scrat! PS3 is the future, should be sweet!

6510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol man this is maddness people are are making love to consoles now, omg that's insane man, i will be afraid to touch any body elses computer from now on, man i'm not sure if that's a good thing for selling more consoles or not, but one thing i'm sure of is that Sony, yea i'm the Sony nutcase, will kick MS a*s, now can you dig that suckaaaaaaaaaaa!

6511d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It seems as if all the Sony fanboys have like got so sick of the 360 fanboys on here they no longer comment, well i see so much bashing of the PS3 my sole purpose is to piss of as many Xbox 360 fanboys as possible, it's great fun!

6511d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment